About Eddi Hoedebeck, PhD
Dr. Eddi Hoedebeck has and always will have a love of learning which includes a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Learning Technology. Her dissertation focused on professional development and how through participatory action research, teachers can become empowered through self-selection of the forms of professional development, deeper learning and reflection. Based on this study, participants combined research, educational work, and social action through a collaborative approach to studying the practice of teaching. It was concluded in this dissertation that there is great potential in collecting and analyzing data in the classroom, along with teacher reflection and collaborative professional growth through self-development and self-determination.
Dr. Hoedebeck has spent seventeen years in the classroom, fourteen years as an elementary and middle school principal, two years as a Director of Professional Development and two years as a Special Education Compliance Coordinator. Some of the responsibilities she has had in these positions were coaching and facilitating classroom instruction with new teachers, providing high quality professional development, monitoring curriculum implementation, enhancing employee relations and communication, program development, grant writing and performance management. Her past work with students and teachers continues to give her the desire to pass her passion on to others in the profession that she loves.
In 2012-2013, Eddi applied and was appointed by the Arizona Supreme Court to serve on the Foster Care Review Board which advises the juvenile courts on the progress of achieving a permanent home for children involved in a dependency action in and out of home placement. This volunteer position allowed for her to see a clear view of the challenges of the foster care system in Arizona.
In her present position as a Special Education Compliance Coordinator, Dr. Hoedebeck develops and monitors quality and effective Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), ensures coordination in all elements of the IEP process which includes setting up meeting dates, adherence to timelines, collaboration and communication with teachers and parents. Additionally, she supports the classroom staff in developing high quality instruction and data collection.