About Kendra Spens

Kendra Spens has been in the education field since 2002. She started her career as a 7th and 8th grade English teacher. Kendra has served students for the last 13 years in a multitude of positions. Kendra received her Bachelor’s from Arizona State University in Criminal Justice Studies. She has a Master’s degree in Secondary Education and in Special Education. Kendra currently holds an Arizona Education Certificate in Secondary Education with an emphasis on English, a Principal certificate, and a Special Education certificate.

Kendra has served students in Special Education since 2010. Prior to her focus on special education, she served Arizona students as a Curriculum Director, Data Coach, and Middle School Principal. She has extensive knowledge in data analysis, data boot camps, aligning content to state standards and school improvement. Kendra has participated in special education compliance in secure care facilities and has taught in the state and county correctional facilities.

Kendra is an Arizona native and spends most of her free time with her two children gallivanting through the woods hunting and fly fishing. Kendra is a self-directed, enthusiastic educator with a passionate commitment to student development and the learning experience. She has proven her ability to create and monitor policies and practices that promote a safe learning environment, ensure a school culture that encourages continuous improvement for teachers and students, and mentoring educators.